Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The British Hand Behind the Clinton Impeachment

The British Hand Behind the Clinton Impeachment
Two events on April 6, 1994 highlight a crucial aspect of the British genesis of the assault on the U.S. Presidency of Bill Clinton, an attempted coup against the United States.

At breakfast on that day, Democratic consultant and combative supporter of President Clinton James Carville invited the Washington D.C. press corps to join him for an educational event. What he presented was a "Media Food Chain" chart (dubbed by the White House as the "Communications Stream of Conspiracy Commerce"), in which he documented that every single "Clinton scandal" story that had appeared in the American press and media, had first appeared in the British press.

As EIR's Debra Freeman reported his presentation in 1998, "First, the story would be published, usually in its most scurrilous and vicious form, in the British press. Then, a week or two later, the story would come out in the Washington Times, or the American Spectator, or on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal. Finally, the story's last stop would be under the by-line of some so-called investigative reporter, in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, or some other 'authoritative' outlet."

Carville's documentation, which he later elaborated in his book And the Horse He Rode In On—The People v. Kenneth Starr, later was picked up by Hillary Clinton herself, who, in an interview with NBC's Matt Lauer in January 1998, dubbed the apparatus who went after her husband as the "Vast Right-wing Conspiracy."

However, on the afternoon of April 6, 1994, there was another press event, this one hosted by Lyndon LaRouche's Presidential exploratory committee, the Committee to Reverse the Accelerating Global Economic and Strategic Crisis. At that event, LaRouche spokemen presented a 64-page dossier entitled "Assault on the Presidency," which documented that it was nothing less than British Intelligence which was behind the creation of the "Whitewater" scandal against President Clinton, as a means of preventing him from taking U.S. policy off the Thatcher-Bush track, and acting in the tradition of the George Washington/Alexander Hamilton tradition to save the United States and world economy from the inevitable impending crash.

Clinton's Russia/China Diplomacy at the time of Impeachment
The timing of the British/Republican Party/Al Gore treason against the US in the 1998-99 attempted coup, through the impeachment of President Clinton, shows clearly the interface between the financial collapse of that period, Clinton's drive to restore FDR policies against the collapse, and Clinton's effort to establish close ties with Russia and China in regard to both the strategic and economic crises of the time.
The "Asia crisis" launched by George Soros in the summer of 1997 through a speculative attack on Thailand, Malaysia and others, proved to be (as Lyndon LaRouche insisted at the time) a global crisis of the system as a whole. When, in August 1998, the Russian financial system under British puppet Boris Yeltsin exploded, in part because the just-created Russian bond market had been flooded by hot money fleeing Asia, the US hedge fund Long Term Credit Management (LTCM) was thrown into default, with $4 billion in losses on Russian GKO bond-related derivatives nearly busting the entire world financial system. Here are some key inflection points in that critical process:
Sept. 10, 1998:   Yevgeni Primakov was appointed Prime Minister of Russia after a failed attempt by British and international interests to reinstate Victor Chernomyrdin (one of the executors of London-directed genocide against Russia in the mid-1990s) as PM and put Russia under the direct dictates of London-selected finance specialists Boris Fyodorov and Domingo Cavalho. Primakov appointed an economic policy team that was committed to reviving Russia's collapsed physical economy, paying back wages, and renegotiating the country's foreign debt, while launching a Russia-China-India alliance, and conducting crucial war-avoidance diplomacywith Clinton.
Sept. 14:   Clinton at the CFR and related meetings later that week called for reform of the world financial system in keeping with FDR's policies to "limit swings in the economy," noting that one third of the world was living in economies undergoing collapse. The CFR event was the first public appearance for Clinton since he had been dragged before the Starr-chamber (under special prosecutor Ken Starr) Grand Jury in August on the Monica Lewinsky affair. Newt Gingrich turned the Congress into a porno/witch hunt against Clinton, releasing the tapes of the Grand Jury.
Sept. 23:   LTCM collapsed over Russia-related losses.
August and September:   Al Gore held a series of meetings on Wall Street with the likes of Edgar Bronfman, Hank Greenberg (AIG), Jon Corzine (Goldman Sachs), Steven Ratner (Lazard), DE Shaw, and others, promising to use his influence with the Russian mafia to assure full payment of the GKO bonds, and planning joint attacks on Russia over anti-semitism charges from the ADL and Bronfman's World Jewish Congress.
Sept. 29:   Clinton announced together with Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin that "a new era in US-China relations" would be launched, after several private meetings with the Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, specifically to collaborate on the global financial crisis.
November:   Clinton cancelled his scheduled attendence at the APEC meeting in Malaysia, where he had been expected to pursue his cooperation with China and ASEAN in dealing with the global financial crisis. Gore went in his place, uttering a disgusting diatribe against Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir's stand against the speculators and the IMF, and openly backing British agent Anwar Ibrahim's anarchist demonstrations going on in the street outside the meeting.
Nov. 23:   New York Times author James Risen reported that Gore, who had co-chaired the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission, or U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on Economic and Technological Cooperation, since 1993, "did not want to hear allegations that Mr. Chernomyrdin was corrupt, and was not interested in ... intelligence reports on the matter." Risen wrote that one secret CIA report that went to Vice President Gore that contained what was considered "conclusive evidence" of Chernomyrdin's personal corruption, was returned to the agency with a "barnyard epithet scrawled across its cover."
Dec. 19:   President Clinton was impeached by the House on a nearly party-line vote.
Feb. 12, 1999:   Clinton was acquitted by the Senate, with only Republicans (but not all Republicans) voting for conviction.
March:   Primakov's planned visit to Washington on March 22 for a meeting of the bilateral intergovernmental commission was upgraded to include a one-on-one meeting with Clinton, as well as emergency efforts to avert the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
March 11-15:   Chernomyrdin and Russian money-bags Boris Berezovsky visited Washington, and met with Gore and others in DC and Wall Street.
March 22:   Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu got Primakov to postpone his US visit by a day, meeting with him in the Kremlin on March 22.
March 23:   While on the plane to Washington, Primakov received a call from Gore saying that the US would not postpone the planned bombing raids against Yugoslavia. Primakov was forced to turn the plane around in mid-flight and go home.
April 23:   British Imperial leader Tony Blair gave a speech in Chicago calling for the end of the Westphalian system of national sovereignty, and launching the campaign of military intervention for "humanitarian" means.
May:   Yeltsin fired Primakov, after Berezovsky and Chernomyrdin visited Primakov to tell him he was finished.
May 6:   The U.S. Senate passed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley-Lewinsky Act (as it should properly be known) repealing Glass Steagall.
July 1:   The House of Representatives passed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley-Lewinsky Act.
Nov. 12:   Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley-Lewinsky Act into law.